
Sludges or slurries including drilling mud classified as non hazardous.
Sludges or slurries containing hazardous substances
(Cat, A, B, C, & D)
Contaminated soil
Fire wash-waters
Industrial wastewaters – Non Hazardous
Industrial wastewater containing hazardous substances
Leachate from waste disposal operations
PFAS contaminated substances
Stormwater & Street Sweeper Waste
Waste from stormwater drain cleaning and street sweeping


Industrial wastewater containing hazardous substances
What is it?

Water discharged from industrial processes may contain contaminants, pollutants and by-products. These wastewaters occur from manufacturing, processing or other industrial activities and can pose environmental issues if not properly managed. Industrial wastewater treatment is essential to remove or mitigate harmful substances before the water is put into the environment or returned to municipal treatment facilities.

Common contaminants in Industrial Wastewaters are:

  • Heavy Metals - Lead, Mercury, Cadmium, Chromium and Nickel. These can originate from metal plating, mining, and various manufacturing processes.
  • Organic Compounds - Includes volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs). These may originate from chemical manufacturing, petroleum refining, and certain industrial solvents.
  • Nutrients - Nitrogen and phosphorus can be present in industrial wastewater, often originating from food processing, agricultural runoff, or certain chemical manufacturing processes. Elevated nutrient levels in water bodies can lead to eutrophication and harmful algal blooms.
  • pH - Extreme pH values can indicate acidic or alkaline conditions, which can affect aquatic ecosystems. pH control is crucial in industries like metal plating and chemical manufacturing.
  • Suspended Solids - Industrial processes can introduce suspended solids into wastewater. High levels of suspended solids can degrade water quality and disrupt aquatic habitats.
  • Oil and Grease - Manufacturing, food processing, and automotive industries may produce oil and grease to wastewater. These substances can form a layer on water surfaces, impeding oxygen exchange and affecting aquatic life.
  • Toxic Substances - Examples include cyanides, phenols, and certain chemical by-products. These substances can have harmful effects on aquatic organisms and ecosystems.
  • Pathogens - Food processing or pharmaceutical manufacturing have pathogens like bacteria and viruses. Proper treatment is necessary to ensure that the discharged water does not pose risks to public health.
  • Dissolved Salts - Industrial processes can contribute dissolved salts to wastewater, impacting water conductivity and salinity. This may been seen in industries like mining and chemical manufacturing.
How we treat L200-H industrial wastewater containing hazardous substances:

Preliminary Treatment - We remove large, easily separable solids through physical processes such as screening and sedimentation. Preliminary treatment helps protect downstream treatment processes from blocking and damage.

Primary Treatment - The removal of settleable organic and inorganic solids through sedimentation. In this treatment, wastewater flows into secondary tanks and transferred to the next treatment stage.

Secondary Treatment - An additional step to further clean the treated water, removing remaining contaminants to achieve higher water quality standards. Secondary treatment methods may include:

  • Filtration - Water passes through sand, multimedia or other filter media to remove fine particles.
  • Chemical Precipitation - Chemicals are added to support the formation of insoluble precipitates to help remove remaining contaminants.
  • Sludge Treatment and Disposal - Sludge created from the primary and secondary treatment processes is treated separately.The treated sludge can be used for beneficial purposes such as land application or disposed of in an environmentally responsible manner.

The selection and sequence of treatment processes depend on the characteristics of the industrial wastewater, local regulatory requirements, and the desired quality of the treated water. We'll always work closely with our customers to determine the best course of treatment for their waste materials.
